सीमा शुल्क के व्यापारिक भागीदार

भाग लेने वाली सरकारी संस्थाएं


प्लांट क्वारंटाइन इन्फॉर्मेशन सिस्टम

To prevent the entry, establishment and spread of exotic pests in India as per the provisions of The Destructive Insects & Pests Act, 1914 and the notifications issued there under.

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भारतीय खाद्य सुरक्षा और मानक प्राधिकरण

भारतीय खाद्य सुरक्षा और मानक प्राधिकरण के भोजन के लेख के लिए विज्ञान आधारित मानकों नीचे बिछाने और उत्पादन, प्रसंस्करण, वितरण, बिक्री और भोजन के आयात को विनियमित करने के लिए इतनी के रूप में के लिए खाद्य सुरक्षा और मानक अधिनियम, 2006 एक सांविधिक निकाय के रूप में के तहत स्थापित किया गया है

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ड्रग कंट्रोलर जनरल

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) is the Central Drug Authority for discharging functions assigned to the Central Government under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. CDSCO has six zonal offices, four sub-zonal offices, 13 port offices and seven laboratories under its control.

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वन्यजीव अपराध नियंत्रण ब्यूरो

वन्यजीव अपराध नियंत्रण ब्यूरो देश में संगठित वन्यजीव अपराध से निपटने के लिए पर्यावरण
एवं वन मंत्रालय के अधीन भारत सरकार द्वारा स्थापित एक सांविधिक बहु अनुशासनिक इकाई है|

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वस्त्र समिति

संसद ने अपने गणतत्र के चौदहवें वर्ष में वस्‍त्र समिति अधिनियम, 1963 (1963 का 41) बनाया था, जिसे 3 दिसंबर,1963 को राष्‍ट्रपति की अनुमति प्राप्‍त हुई थी और 4 दिसंबर, 1963 को यह भारत के राजपत्र में प्रकाशित हुआ था । वस्‍त्र समिति ने एक संगठन के रुप में 22 अगस्‍त, 1964 से अपना कार्य शुरु किया ।

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पशु संगरोध एवं प्रमाणीकरण सेवा

The purpose and scope of setting up of QUARANTINE Stations is to prevent the ingress of dangerous exotic diseases into the country through imported livestock and livestock products. The increased and faster international trade and travel exposed every country to the danger of infiltration of known and unknown transmissible diseases which have the potential of very serious and rapid spread, adverse socio-economic and human/animal health consequences.

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डब्लूपीसी विंग ऑफ़ मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ़ कम्युनिकेशन एंड इनफार्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी

The WPC Wing of the Ministry of Communications is the National Radio Regulatory Authority responsible for Frequency Spectrum Management, including licensing and caters for the needs of all wireless users (Government and Private) in the country.

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ऑटोमोटिव रिसर्च एसोसिएशन ऑफ़ इंडिया

ARAI has been providing various services to the Indian Automotive Industry in the areas of design & development and know-how for manufacture & testing of components / system to national / international standards.

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परमाणु ऊर्जा विभाग

DAE has been engaged in the development of nuclear power technology, applications of radiation technologies in the fields of agriculture, medicine, industry and basic research.

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विदेश व्यापार महानिदेशालय (डीजीएफटी)

The DGFT is responsible for formulating and implementing the Foreign Trade Policy with the main objective of promoting India’s exports. The DGFT also issues scrips/authorisation to exporters and monitors their corresponding obligations.

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नेशनल अथॉरिटी फॉर केमिकल वेपन्स कन्वेंशन

The primary task of the NA CWC is to fulfill, on behalf of the Government of India, the obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention.

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स्‍टेट ट्रेडिंग कॉर्पोरेशन

एसटीसी छह दशकों से अधिक समय से अंतरराष्ट्रीय व्यापार में कार्यरत रहा है। 1990 तक, एसटीसी के व्यापार में मुख्य रूप से चावल, गेहूँ, अरंडी का तेल, चीनी, खाद्य तेल आदि शामिल रहे हैं। तथापि, उदारीकरण और व्यापार नीतियों के वैश्वीकरण से उत्पन्न चुनौतियों का मुकाबला करने के लिए एसटीसी ने दो दशकों से व्यापार के नए क्षेत्रों में विविधीकरण किया है। इन क्षेत्रों में सर्राफा, हाइड्रोकार्बन, धातु, खनिज, अयस्क, उर्वरक और पेट्रो रसायन शामिल हैं।

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भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद (आईसीएमआर)

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research.

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केन्‍द्रीय प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड

यह पर्यावरण, वन और जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्रालय के एक फील्ड संघटन का काम करता है तथा मंत्रालय को पर्यावरण (संरक्षण) अधिनियम, 1986 के उपबंधों के बारे में तकनीकी सेवाएं भी प्रदान करता है।

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रबड़ बोर्ड

The Rubber Board is a statutory body constituted by the Government of India, under the Rubber Act 1947, for the overall development of the rubber industry in the country.

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कीटनाशक बोर्ड, कृषि और किसान कल्याण मंत्रालय

The Central Insecticides Board advises the Central Government and State Governments on technical matters arising out of the administration of this Act and to carry out the other functions assigned to the Board by or under this Act.

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विस्फोटक के नियंत्रक (पीईएसओ)

The PESO administers the responsibilities delegated under the Explosives Act 1884 and Petroleum Act 1934 and the rules made thereunder related to manufacture, import,export,transport,possession, sale and use of Explosives, Petroleum products and Compressed gases.

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केंद्रीय नारकोटिक्स ब्यूरो (सीबीएन)

The main function of CBN is to stop opium production and trade, and to issue licenses for production of legal synthetic drugs.

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पर्यावरण, वन और जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्रालय

The main objective the HSM Division is to promote safe management and use of hazardous substances including hazardous chemicals and hazardous wastes.

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कानूनी मैट्रोलोजी प्रभाग, उपभोक्ता मामले विभाग

Legal Metrology Division is responsible for matters of national policy and other related functions such as, uniform laws on weights and measures, technical regulations, training, precision laboratory facilities and implementation of the International Recommendation.

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भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक (आरबीआई)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is central banking institution, which controls the monetary policy.

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भारतीय मानक ब्यूरो (बीआईएस)

BIS is the National Standard Body of India established under the BIS Act 1986 for the harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

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नागरिक विमानन महानिदेशालय (डीजीसीए)

Directorate General of Civil Aviation is the regulatory body governing the safety aspects of civil aviation in India.

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जेम एंड जेवेलरी ईपीसी (जीजेईपीसी)

The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) was set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (GoI) in 1966.GJEPC is the apex body of the gems & jewellery industry and today it represents almost 6,000 exporters in the sector.

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कृषि और प्रसंस्कृत खाद्य उत्पाद निर्यात विकास प्राधिकरण (एपीडा)

APEDA is mandated with the responsibility of export promotion and development of Agricultural and Processed Food Products.

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भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण (एएसआई)

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), under the Ministry of Culture, is the premier organization for the archaeological researches and protection of the cultural heritage of the nation. Maintenance of ancient monuments and archaeological sites and remains of national importance is the prime concern of the ASI.

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CAPEXIL, a non-profit making organization, was setup in March 1958 by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India to promote export of Chemical and Allied Products from India. And since then has been the voice of Indian business community.

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CHEMEXCIL is set up by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry Government of India in the year 1963 with the objective of promoting exports of the Dyes and Dye Intermediates Bullet Basic Inorganic & Organic Chemicals, including Agrochemicals Bullet Cosmetics, Soaps, Toiletries & Essential Oils Bullet Speciality Chemicals, Lubricants And Castor oil from India to various countries abroad.

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कॉफी बोर्ड

The Coffee Board of India is an organisation managed by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the government of India to promote coffee production in India.

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रसायन और पेट्रोकेमिकल्स विभाग

The Department of Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals is entrusted with the responsibility of policy, planning, development and regulation of Chemicals and Petrochemicals Industries.

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स्वास्थ्य सेवा महानिदेशक (डीजीएचएस)

The Directorate General of Health Services (Dte.GHS) is a repository of technical knowledge concerning Public Health, Medical Education and Health Care. It is an attached organisation of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.The Directorate co-ordinates with the Health Directorates of all States/UTs for implementation of various National Health Programmes through its Regional Offices of Health and Family Welfare.

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निर्यात निरीक्षण परिषद (ईआईसी)

The Export Inspection Council (EIC) was set up in order to ensure sound development of export trade of India through Quality Control and Inspection.

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हस्तशिल्प निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद (ईपीसीएच)

Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) is a non-profit organisation, with an object to promote, support, protect, maintain and increase the export of handicrafts.

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समुद्री उत्पाद निर्यात विकास प्राधिकरण (एमपीईडीए)

The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) is given the mandate to promote the marine products industry with special reference to exports from the country.

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SHELLAC निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद (शेफ़ेक्सिल)

SHEFEXIL is nodal EPC for Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFPs) and their value added variants. Its mission is to strengthen plans and initiatives for exports of Non Timber Forest Produces. Now its been a Nodal EPC for North-East India.

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मसाला बोर्ड

Spices Board (Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India) is the flagship organization for the development and worldwide promotion of Indian spices. The Board is an international link between the Indian exporters and the importers abroad.

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चाय बोर्ड

Tea Board is given the mandate to regulate the tea cultivation and export of tea and promotion of tea Consumption.

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तंबाकू बोर्ड

Tobacco Board is committed to accomplish the smooth functioning of a vibrant farming system, fair and remunerative prices to tobacco growers and export promotion.

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दूरसंचार इंजीनियरिंग केंद्र (टीईसी)

TEC is responsible for drawing up of standards, generic requirements, interface requirements, service requirements and specifications for telecom products, services and networks.

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इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स और सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय

Meity is responsible for promoting e-Governance for empowering citizens, promoting the inclusive and sustainable growth of the Electronics, IT & ITeS industries, enhancing India’s role in Internet Governance, adopting a multipronged approach that includes development of human resources, promoting R&D and innovation, enhancing efficiency through digital services and ensuring a secure cyber space.

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हाइड्रोकार्बन महानिदेशालय

डी.जी.एच. की स्थापना का उद्देश्य पर्यावरण, सुरक्षा, पेट्रोलियम गतिविधियों के तकनीकी, और आर्थिक पहलुओं में संतुलन बनाए रखते हुए तेल और प्राकृतिक गैस संसाधनों के कुशल प्रबंधन को बढ़ावा देना है ।

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परियोजना निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद (पीईपीसी)

Project Exports Promotion Council of India (PEPC) provides necessary technical information, guidance and support to Indian Civil and Engineering (EPC) construction including process engineering contractors and consultants to set up overseas projects.

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फेडरेशन ऑफ इंडियन एक्सपोर्ट ऑर्गनाइजेशन

FIEO is the apex body of Indian export promotion organizations set up jointly by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India and private trade and industry in the year 1965. FIEO is a partner of the Government of India in promoting India's exports.

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ऊन और ऊन निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद

Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC) was established in the year 1964 and is responsible for promoting export of all type of wool and woollen/acrylic blended productsfrom India

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परिधान निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद (एईपीसी)

AEPC is the official body of apparel exporters in India that provides invaluable assistance to Indian exporters as well as importers/international buyers who choose India as their preferred sourcing destination for garments.

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सिंथेटिक और रेयन वस्त्र निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद

The Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC), set up in 1954, is one of the oldest Export Promotion Councils in India.

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वैज्ञानिक और औद्योगिक अनुसंधान विभाग (डीएसआईआर)

The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) has a mandate to carry out the activities relating to indigenous technology promotion, development, utilization and transfer.

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सूचना एवं प्रसारण मंत्रालय (आईबी)

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is the apex body for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to information, broadcasting, the press and films in India.

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नवीन और अक्षय ऊर्जा मंत्रालय (एमएनआरई)

नवीन और अक्षय ऊर्जा मंत्रालय (एमएनआरई) नवीन और अक्षय ऊर्जा से संबंधित सभी मामलों के लिए भारत सरकार का नोडल मंत्रालय है। मंत्रालय का मुख्‍य उद्देश्‍य देश की ऊर्जा आवश्‍यकताओं की पूर्ति के लिए नवीन और अक्षय ऊर्जा का विकास तथा स्‍थापना करना है।

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चर्म निर्यात परिषद

Service to Leather & Leather Products Exporters since 1984. The Council for Leather Exports (CLE) is the single largest and Apex trade promotion orgnisation of the strong and rapidly growing Indian leather & leather products industry. CLE is committed towards the overall development of Indian leather sector and achieve higher export growth to enhance India’s share in global leather trade.

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स्पोर्ट्स गुड्स एक्सपोर्ट प्रमोशन काउंसिल

Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC), a Government of India sponsored organization is working for the promotion of India’s exports of sports goods and toys. Founded in 1958, SGEPC represents all the leading manufacturers and exporters of sports goods and toys in India.

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कालीन निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद

CEPC, a non-profit making organization, was setup in 1982 by the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India to promote export of Carpets, all types of Handmade / handmade knotted Carpets, Rugs, Floor Coverings & other allied Products from India. And since then, has been the voice of Indian carpets business community. With working office in the heart of Delhi, Registered Office at NOIDA, UP, and regional office at Bhadohi.

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हथकरघा निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद्

India’s Textile Industry is the country’s second largest industry in terms of employment potential. Handloom sector plays a very important role in the country’s economy. Handloom industry is the largest cottage industry in the country with 23.77 lakh looms. The major handloom export centres are Karur, Panipat, Varanasi & Kannur where handloom products like Bed linen, Table linen, Kitchen linen, Toilet linen, Floor coverings, embroidered textile materials, curtains etc. are produced for export markets.

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कॉटन टेक्सटाइल एक्सपोर्ट प्रमोशन काउंसिल

Since its inception in 1954, as an autonomous, nonprofit body dedicated to promotion of exports, The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council, popularly known as TEXPROCIL has been the international face of cotton textiles from India facilitating exports worldwide.

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भारतीय रेशम निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद

The Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC) was set up in 1983 as a company not for profit under Companies Act duly sponsored by the Government of India in the Ministry of Textiles. The Council as on date has a membership of 853 regular exporters of Silk goods whereas more than 1800 exporters have registered with the Council.

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दूरसंचार उपकरण और सेवा निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद

Telecom Equipment and Services Export Promotion Council (TEPC) has been set up by the Government of India to promote and develop export of Telecom Equipment and Services.TEPC as a Council plays a critical role in furtherance of Telecom export from India and assist Indian member companies in easy facilitation of their respective exports.

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प्रोजेक्ट एक्सपोर्ट प्रमोशन काउंसिल ऑफ इंडिया

Project Exports Promotion Council of India (PEPC) is an export promotion council set up by the Government of India in 1984 (as Overseas Construction Council of India).

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पावर-लूम डेवलपमेंट एक्सपोर्ट प्रमोशन काउंसिल

PDEXCIL is set up by Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. PDEXCIL is a non-profit organization working for the development of Powerloom Industry in India and promoting export of Fabrics and Made ups from Powerloom Manufacturers. Ours is the only council which in not only focusing upon export promotion but also working on development of powerloom industry.

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परमाणु ऊर्जा नियामक बोर्ड

The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board was constituted on November 15, 1983, by the President of India by exercising the powers conferred by the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 to carry out certain regulatory and safety functions under the Act. The regulatory authority of AERB is derived from the rules and notifications promulgated under the Atomic Energy Act and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

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इलेक्ट्रॉनिक और कंप्यूटर सॉफ्टवेयर निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद

Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) is India’s apex trade promotion organisation mandated to promote India’s exports of Electronics, Telecom, ComputerSoftware and IT Enabled Services.

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पशुपालन, डेयरी और मत्स्य पालन विभाग

The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (AH&D) is one of the Departments of the newly created Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying vide Cabinet Secretariat's Notification No.1/21/7/2019-Cab dated 17.06.2019 published in eGazette S.O.No.1972(E).

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काजू निर्यात संवर्धन परिषद

The Cashew Export Promotion Council of India(CEPC) was established by the Government of India in the year 1955, with the active cooperation of the cashew industry with the object of promoting exports of cashew kernels and cashewnut shell liquid from India.

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